God’s Fight
Psalm 44:6
For I do not trust in my bow, and my sword does not bring me victory.
We all have battles to face, but we must face them with the strength of the Lord and not on our own. Our most powerful weapon in battle is prayer. We certainly cannot trust any physical weapon of defense because our spiritual battles are much too complicated. Only God can see the whole picture, and we must trust Him to fight where we can’t.
I find the Holman Christian Standard translation of Psalm 46:10 interesting in light of our featured verse. While we know this verse from other translations as “Be still and know that I am God,” the HCSB reads, “Stop fighting – and know that I am God, exalted among the nations.” Certainly, God wants us to be still, stop fighting, and trust that He is fighting the battles we can’t even completely see or comprehend for us.
Use your greatest weapon of spiritual battle today, and simply pray. Rest in God’s promise to defend you, protect you, and provide for you. He has your back, and He has a purpose and a destiny prepared for you that your enemy cannot destroy.
Have a blessed day!