Treated Well
Psalm 119:65
LORD, You have treated Your servant well, just as You promised.
God always treats His servants well, and He keeps His promises to us. When He calls us to do something, He expects full obedience. In return, He makes sure our needs are met.
We must come to see our service to God as a privilege. He uses those He can trust, and He invests in His children in a way that will benefit them and bring Him glory. When we give of ourselves to meet His needs, He meets the needs we cannot meet within ourselves. He will use our service to bless others and to ultimately bring blessing to us. Our service to Him opens a door for Him to show His favor upon us. If we just sit back and always let someone else do the work, we forfeit blessing and opportunity.
Sometimes we have to look at the end result of those who do not serve God in order to see just how much He has already blessed us. Our lives may not be perfect, but they are extremely blessed in comparison to those who do not know Christ or refuse to serve Him. God created us with a need for significance, and we find that only in Him. Unless we are doing the very thing He created us to do, we will always have a void and a longing to be where we are supposed to be. Our rightful place is in His service.
God will keep His promises to you, and you will find them met in the state of servanthood. As you serve, He moves you one step closer to the fulfillment of His promise to you. Keep doing what He has called you to do, and know for certain that God will be good to you.
Have a blessed day!