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From Conflict to Covenant

Genesis 26:26-29

Then Abimelech came to him (Isaac) from Gerar with Ahuzzath his adviser and Phicol the commander of the army. Isaac said to them, “Why have you come to me? You hated me and sent me away from you.” They replied, “We have clearly seen how the LORD has been with you. We think there should be an oath between two parties – between us and you. Let us make a covenant with you: You will not harm us, just as we have not harmed you but have only done what was good to you, sending you away in peace. You are now blessed by the LORD.”

When God is with you, He will make even your enemies live at peace with you. Abimelech and the Philistines were very envious of Isaac and his prosperity, so they threw dirt in his wells and ran him out of the country. After seeing how God blessed Isaac wherever he went, however, Abimelech knew he needed to make peace with Isaac.

I find Abimelech’s recollection of events interesting in light of his newly found need to befriend Isaac. While the Philistines previously treated Isaac with contempt, Abimelech felt they had done only what was good to Isaac, implying that they did him a favor by clogging his wells and sending him away. Abimelech feared God’s wrath, and he wanted to make sure everything was right between him and Isaac. While this doesn’t seem like much of an apology to me, Isaac had no intentions of harming Abimelech or the Philistines, so he entered into a covenant with them. Neither would harm the other.

When God blesses you, some will be drawn to God through you. These are the ones with hearts for God who recognize their own need for grace. Others, however, will see you as competition and will be threatened by you. These are the ones who have yet to recognize their need for grace and are trying to gain prominence or approval from others by their own means. Like Abimelech, they must come to recognize that they cannot stop God’s blessing on your life and must find a way to live in peace with you. The best thing you can do is not to come into competition with them, but simply move on down the road, dig a new well, and let God continue to bless you. When the opportunity comes to make peace, do so. Enemies cannot stop God’s blessing on your life. God will make them live at peace with you.

When God is with you, you will encounter opposition. You have no need to worry, however, because God is with you. Let Him fight the battles for you, and simply dig a new well. When the enemy sees that you continue to find water wherever you go, there will be no denying God’s work in your life. Sooner or later, they will stop fighting you and join you. God’s blessing on you has a purpose, and He will accomplish it through you – one way or another.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.