A King’s Heart
Proverbs 21:1
A king’s heart is a water channel in the LORD’s hand; He directs it wherever He chooses.
The people of a land are subject to the king, but the king is subject to God. Even if the king does not honor God, he is still accountable to God for his actions, whether he realizes this or not. God has the power to work through the king’s heart to do the very work He is trying to accomplish. If He can speak through a donkey, He can surely perform works of blessing or of judgment through the kings of this earth.
God knows the very heart of man and what he is capable of doing if given the opportunity. The condition of the heart will ultimately determine a man’s actions. God can put hearts and happenings together to bring His will to pass. For this very reason, we should pray for our leaders. We should pray that God would change their hearts to honor Him.
All the wisdom in the world is of no effect when combined with a heart bent on doing evil. The heart is a greater influence to our actions than our minds. Unless we love wisdom and doing what is right, we will look for a way to do the evil that resides in our hearts. For this reason, God instructs us in Proverbs 4:23 to guard our hearts above all else because it is the source of life. Whatever resides there – whether good or evil – will look for a way to manifest itself in our actions.
Pray for your leaders today that God would change their hearts to do love wisdom and to do what is right in His eyes. Only He can change a heart. Submit your own heart to Him, and ask Him to change whatever is wrong so you will desire to do the right thing. Our hearts have the power to love and to motivate us to do good things. Hearts, however, can be black with evil. Ask God to direct you on a path that will give you a clean heart and one that worships Him. The new opportunity you need may be waiting for your heart to change. A clean heart will produce a happy life.
Have a blessed day!