Lack of Recognition
He was in the world, and the world was created through Him, yet the world did not recognize Him.
God created the world, yet when He came to the world in the form of His Son, the world did not recognize Him for who He was. In fact, the world was hostile to Him and rejected Him. As His children through Christ, the world won’t treat us any better. How sad it is that the world does not recognize the divine. It cannot because the world acknowledges nothing greater than itself. To recognize the divine, the world would have to admit something was wrong. Fallen nature does not want to admit it is fallen. It chooses to hide and act like everything is okay, just like Adam and Eve did in the garden. Instead of receiving God’s sacrifice as Adam and Eve did when they accepted the garments from animals, man chose to rebel and keep their fig leaves. The world has rejected the only thing that can save them from eternal damnation and destruction – Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh.
We should not be surprised when the world rejects us because they did the same thing to Christ. While they may recognize a void or a need in some area, they don’t recognize their need for a Savior. As long as people enjoy their fallen nature and determine to pursue it, they will rebel against the divinity of Christ. In fact, many scholars believe Jesus came and died, but they reject the fact that He was anything more than a man. If they accept His divinity, they must bow to it. This is where the world has a problem. They are not willing to serve anything or anyone greater than themselves.
We will all serve someone because we were created for worship. One day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, but until then, the world will continue to look for its own answers and seek its own selfish means. The only way to overcome the dangers of this world is to recognize the divinity of Christ. Nothing is secure outside of Him. What I find truly amazing, however, is that the Divine wants to have relationship with us, despite our sin and rejection of Him. He offers grace for every situation. All we have to do is acknowledge His divinity and bow in surrender to Him.
We are in this world but not of this world. The world will hate us, just as it hated Christ. This world, however, is temporary in its present form, and Christ is eternal. Dare to recognize Someone greater than yourself, and humble yourself before Him. Allow Him to establish you in His love through faith. Trust the One who created you to reveal His glory in you and lift you above the cares this world thrusts upon you. We all suffer from a lack of recognition at times, but our answers are found by recognizing Jesus for who He really is – the divine Son of God, King of Kings, and Lord of all.
Have a blessed day!