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Grasp the Glimmer

Isaiah 43:18-21

Do not remember the past events, pay no attention to things of old.  Look, I am about to do something new, even now it is coming.  Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.  The animals of the field will honor Me, jackals and ostriches, because I provide water in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My chosen people. The people I formed for Myself will declare My praise.

I strongly feel God speaking to me this morning through this passage. He is saying, “Forget about the hurts of the past. Stop recollecting them. I am doing something new in your life, and I’ve already given you a glimpse of it. While you don’t see how certain things can happen, I will make a way for them.  Even the jackals who steal and devour and the ostriches who have their heads in the sand will cooperate with me in providing the way for you. I have power over them! My desire and intention is to provide relief to the dry, barren, and uncertain areas of your life so you might be made whole. I have been doing a work in your life all along, and I have formed you the way you are for My purpose. You will declare My praise for what I am doing for you.”

We cannot hold on to hurts of the past if we are to move forward in the new thing God has for us. We all need to let those things go and grab hold to that glimmer of hope he has placed in front of us. Let Him rejuvenate you with new passion and excitement to move forward. He has power over anything you think might be standing in your way, and His intention is to move you forward into a land of promise and fulfillment. 

The word wilderness here is a Hebrew word meaning pasture, as in the sense of driving. God has been leading you through that unsettled area of your life that makes you feel uncomfortable. He is going before you to clear the way for you to walk into your promise. The Hebrew word for desert here means a desolation – the place where you feel alone, in lack, and thirsty. God promises to make rivers – not just a small cup of water – in the desert to quench your thirst! He will give you an abundant supply for your area of lack!

As Psalm 23 tells us, God leads us through green pastures and beside still waters. He is the Good Shepherd, and you can trust where He is taking you. You just need to let go of the past and grasp hold to that glimpse of hope He has just given you. He is working it all out, so be ready to give Him praise when you fully see what He is doing for you!

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.