The LORD Accepts My Prayer
Psalm 6:9
The LORD has heard my plea for help; the LORD accepts my prayer.
This verse is a part of a Psalm David wrote as a song to be played with an instrument. We can certainly sing and praise God today because He hears our pleas for help and accepts our prayers! He has not left us to fend for ourselves. He is an ever present help in time of need.
David knew God accepted His prayer. God would not reject Him, nor does He reject us. He may not always give us what we want, but He listens to us and meets the real need that lies beneath our cry. When my son was young and would ask me for something, it was often because he is bored and needed to be entertained or busy. Rather than just giving him whatever he wanted, I sometimes had to re-direct his interest. God can certainly recognize the greater need within us, and He always has a better solution. We have to submit our prayers to Him and trust Him when we pray.
Praying acknowledges our dependence upon God. We can do nothing in, of, or by ourselves, but we can do all things through Him. In Christ, all things are possible for the one who believes. Crying out to God is never a sign of weakness but a reaching for His strength. As a child is dependent upon a parent for provision, so we are dependent upon Him. Never hesitate to cry out to Him or to rely upon Him fully for any provision you need.
Spend time with God this morning, knowing full well that He accepts your prayer. He has not rejected you. Continue trusting Him and asking Him for the things you need. He is your strength, and He is working on your behalf. He is for you and not against you, and His desire is to increase your faith. Trust in the prayers you have prayed with the assurance that God is at work, even if you can’t see it right now.
Have a blessed day!