The Work of God
John 6:28-29
“What can we do to perform the works of God?” they asked. Jesus replied, “This is the work of God: that you believe in the One He has sent.”
God’s plan, His purpose, His work is that we believe in Jesus Christ. As Jesus explained to His disciples after He fed the 5,000, He is the bread from heaven who gives life to the world (v. 33). Jesus is God’s answer to the world, and we find the solution to every problem we face in Him. This life and all it holds for us is temporary, but we were created to live eternally – somewhere. Jesus paid the price for fallen man to be restored in relationship with God and to live eternally with Him. God has bestowed all glory and honor to Jesus Christ, and we who are in Him will one day rule and reign with Him. Without Christ, we remain in a fallen spiritual state, where we will cater to fallen desires and will live eternally in a fallen kingdom where suffering never ends and we receive just punishment for our sins.
The disciples wanted to know what they had to do to perform the work of God. In other words, how could they earn it or be worthy of it? The work of God in our life, however, is simple: we believe in Jesus Christ, whom God sent. If we simply believe in Christ, we have done the work of God. By believing in Christ, the work of God is done in us – we are forgiven by grace through the substitute Christ made for us on the cross.
Many of us struggle with trying to figure out what God wants us to do with our lives. He wants us to believe in the One He has sent. This belief will create a love in us for others and a desire to serve God because of what Christ did for us. This one belief will lead us to discover how God has equipped us to serve. This one belief will motivate us to believe God’s promises and to increase our faith. This one belief will help us overcome every obstacle the Devil sets in our way. Because Jesus came to earth as the Son of God, lived a sinless life, died as the sacrifice for our sins and took our guilt upon Himself, then rose on the third day by the power of God as a sign of the accepted sacrifice and forgiveness of sin, we have hope for every situation we face. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead now works in us and can reveal the glory of God in our lives – because we believe in the One He has sent.
What problem are you facing today that needs God’s attention? Believe in the One He has sent. What need or longing do you still need fulfilled? Believe in the One He has sent. Where has a besetting sin caused a setback? Believe in the One He has sent. When you do, you will see the work of God in your life. It all starts when you believe.
Have a blessed day!