Rebuilding the Ruins
Ezekiel 36:33-34
This is what the Lord GOD says: On the day I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will cause the cities to be inhabited, and the ruins will be rebuilt. The desolate land will be cultivated instead of lying desolate in the sight of everyone who passes by.
God did not save you to destroy you; He saved you to rebuild you from the ruins of your previous life. Sin will destroy our lives by making them unfruitful and unproductive, causing them to waste away. When God cleanses you from your iniquities, He cultivates your land, making it flourishing and inhabitable again.
You may not see exactly what God is doing in your life, but He is rebuilding your ruins and cultivating your desolate land. His desire is to see you thrive and flourish in the purpose for which He created you, and He will continue to till the ground until it yields what He desires. Some of us just have more rocky ground to dig than others, and it may take a while longer for some to see the harvest emerge.
God has called you out of desolation. While others may have seen your lack or your loss, God will be faithful to also show them the new thing He is creating in you. You are a story in the making, and He isn’t finished yet. Expect some blooms to rise from the fertilizer that has been thrown at you. He uses everything to mold you, shape you, and grow you into the perfect testimony of His grace.
God has cleansed you from your iniquities, and He is currently inhabiting and rebuilding your cities. He is cultivating your desolate places, and He is filling you with His grace to overcome your losses. Trust the work of His hand and the intent of His heart. You are His, and He is yours.
Have a blessed day!