God is Near the Brokenhearted
Psalm 34:18
The LORD is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.
While we cannot control what heartaches enter our lives, we can be assured that we do not go through them alone. God is very near those who hurt from loss, and we can all attest to that fact. When we are crushed in spirit, we have no answers for ourselves and are often vulnerable. God saves those who are crushed from being consumed by the enemy.
When we are brokenhearted, we have a need to grieve. Many times, the pressures of this world won’t let us fully feel or address our emotions because they demand our attention. Grief is necessary for emotional and mental wholeness and is God’s way of enabling us to let go of something or someone. Grief has a purpose, even though it can be very difficult to endure. God remains near to those who are hurting so they can express the grief they feel and be able to move forward in God’s plan. Grief is designed as a process of growth, and those who successfully complete the cycle proceed to do things they always dreamed of doing or are able to do things they never dreamed they could do as a result of that growth.
If you are hurting or brokenhearted over something, know that God is near. Cry out to Him, and allow Him to comfort you. He has answers and will lead you into His perfect plan. Wherever you feel crushed or vulnerable, know that God is watching over you to keep you safe. He is a refuge and a shield to you. He will fight your battle and defend you when you are too weak to fight for yourself. Rest in His perfect care.
Have a blessed day!