God Will Build a House for You
1 Chronicles 17:10b
Furthermore, I declare to you that the LORD Himself will build a house for you.
God raised David from the herds, where he was faithfully attending sheep, to the palace, where he led God’s people. He fought many battles, and God drove out all of his enemies. God placed David in the palace to serve His purpose. Even though David desired to build a house for God, it was not the purpose to which God had called him. God had someone else in mind to build a house for Him – David’s son, Solomon.
God brought us to the place where we are for a reason – to fulfill His purpose. We must all ask ourselves the question, “Whom are we serving?” The best place we can be in life is to be totally surrendered to fulfill the call of God on our lives. When we are, God will build our house. We won’t have to worry about knocking down doors of opportunity or fighting for territory that is not ours to take. God Himself will build our house, and we will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that it is ours. When we commit to serve God, He will take care of us.
While David was not called to build a house for God, he did everything he could to prepare Solomon to build the house God called him to build. David could see the vision for the house, but his purpose was to prepare his son. Our calling to prepare the next generation to advance God’s kingdom is just as important as our personal efforts to serve God. If God has given you a vision to build, consider how it will affect future generations. Prepare them to take the reign of authority to move the vision forward.
Determine to be faithful to your call today. Let all the lofty desires and petty issues go. Discover who God has made you to be and how He has called you to serve, and do it faithfully. Walk forward in what you know to do, and trust God to handle what you don’t know. You will never figure it all out anyway! Become a woman of purpose, and watch for the house God will build for you.
Have a blessed day!