Neither Silent Nor Still
Isaiah 62:1
I will not keep silent because of Zion, and I will not keep still because of Jerusalem until her righteousness shines like a bright light, and her salvation like a flaming torch.
Zion and Jerusalem are used interchangeably in this verse, referring to the same place. Zion is the permanent capital of God’s kingdom, and God’s heart is with her. God promises He will not keep silent nor still because of His love for her. He will bring forth her righteousness to shine bright like a flaming torch in a dark world.
As Christians, we are the spiritual Jerusalem, and He lives in us today. He will not keep silent nor still because of us. His plan is to display our righteousness, which is found in Jesus Christ. What He wants the whole world to see is Jesus living in us.
Know with all certainty today that God is at work in you, whether you realize it or not. While it may seem like He is not doing anything in your life nor hearing your prayers, He is up to something. He will not keep silent because of you. He will not remain still because of His love for you. He has placed the righteousness of Christ within you, and He is determined to bring it forth. He is up to something great in your life that He will reveal at just the right time. You are His flaming torch to a dark and dying world because Christ lives in you. Surrender to His plan today, and rest in knowing that He will not keep silent nor still. He is always at work in you and for you to display His glory.
Have a blessed day!