Using Our Authority
Luke 9:1-2
Summoning the Twelve, He gave them power and authority over all the demons, and power to heal diseases. Then He sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
God never sends us out without equipping us. I’m becoming more convinced every day that we don’t realize the authority we really have in this life and fail to use it. If we see ourselves as victims who are weak and incapable, we will be just that. God gave us power and authority over demons and power to heal diseases. We need to exercise that authority and not allow the Devil to take what is rightfully ours.
Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave us His authority to go and make disciples of all nations and to proclaim the kingdom of God. When He gives authority, He also gives responsibility. We have a responsibility to make disciples, and He has given us the authority to do it. We are not empty handed. He has given us each a gift to use to win others to Christ, and we are to use it. We will be held responsible for how we have used that gift.
Proclaiming the kingdom of God in our anti-Christian world today may seem overwhelming, but we have the power and authority to do it. Prayer is power, so use it. Understanding God’s word and standing on it in faith is power. Using your spiritual gift to serve others is power. Praising God is power, and we have the ability to do it every day. If we fail to continue doing the good we know to do because we become discouraged and don’t see the desired outcome, we are giving up the fight. We must continue to do what He has called us to do. Pray, read, learn, serve, share, and worship. Exercise your authority in Christ, and demons will flee. The sick will be healed, and God’s kingdom will advance.
Have a blessed day!