The Best Gift Ever
1 Thessalonians 4:13
We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, concerning those who are asleep so that you will not grieve like the rest, who have no hope.
Since I’ve become a widow, I’ve noticed the very different ways people grieve. By far, the worst is by those who have no anchor in Christ or faith that God has a plan for their lives. In truth, some people never get through the grieving cycle because they have no hope and cannot come to accept the loss. The very best gift we can leave our families is the peace of knowing we belong to Christ and have simply gone to live with Him in eternity. Those who know Christ understand that they will see us again one day, and they can live their lives in peace.
Grief is designed to help us accept losses and move on to new phases of life. We may always feel the pain of a loved one’s absence, but that pain does not have to be paralyzing. Christ gives us hope of eternal life after we die and new life after experiencing the loss of a loved one. Without Him, we have no real hope. With Him, however, we can continue in the abundant life He came to give us.
Take time to share your testimony and your faith with your family and loved ones. Make them fully aware of your love for the Lord. Some day when God has called you home, that testimony of faith may be what gets them through some very rough days. Your relationship with Christ may also be what persuades them to follow Him, too. I have complete peace about where my husband and my parents are today, and I know it is only a matter of time before I see them again. While I miss them, I’m assured of a reunion where we will not experience the pain of separation again. They left me with the gift of knowing their faith, and I want my son to know mine, as well. Death can truly be simply, “See you later.”
Have a blessed day!