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Beyond the Barrier

Psalm 18: 29

With You I can attack a barrier, and with My God I can leap over a wall.

I once watched a video of a teenage girl who was one of the top high school pole vaulters in the state of Texas. While this was a remarkable achievement in itself, hers was even more awe inspiring because she was blind. Her vision problems, however, did not hold her back in her love for track. She just had to learn to make adjustments and do things differently than the ordinary person would. Instead of watching the goal, she counted steps and jumped in faith. We could all gain more from life if we could learn to count our steps and jump in faith.

The Devil will certainly establish barriers to keep us from reaching our goal or pursuing our dreams. We must decide how important each goal or dream is to us when we encounter the barriers. I fear too many of us, including myself, give up at the point we reach a wall. If we are ever going to succeed in life, we must be willing to attack barriers and leap over walls that the Devil builds for us. With God we can do just that, but are we really willing to attack and leap, or is it just too much effort?

To overcome any obstacle, you must be willing to attack. This might mean doing things differently than planned. If our successes were meant to be easy, everyone would succeed. Anything worth achieving will require work, and we might have to adjust our approach or our thinking to get past the barriers that stand between us and our dreams. With God, however, this is possible.

What barrier or wall stands between you and your dream? Are you attacking that barrier or whining about it? God will help you get on the other side of that wall, but you may have to count your steps and be willing to jump. Pray for the passion, determination, and faith to get you past your barriers and toward the goal to which you are called.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.