Our Good Protector
Psalm 16:1-2
Protect me, God, for I take refuge in You. I said to the LORD, “You are my Lord; I have no good besides You.”
This Psalm was written by David, who had learned to take refuge in God. He was threatened by wild animals while herding sheep and had successfully killed those who tried to attack his flock. He was hunted by Saul, who sought to kill him out of jealousy. His men turned against him in response to their own hurt at Ziklag. His son led a rebellion against his throne, and he was caught in the turmoil of trying to protect both the country and his son. Through it all, David learned to seek God for refuge. There are just times when we need someone greater than ourselves to look out for us. By seeking God as a refuge, David became victorious in every one of the vicious threats against his life and his throne.
If God has brought you to a place, the enemy will certainly attack because a move of God on your life is a threat to him. Seek God for refuge and protection. David knew a vital truth – any good that came into his life came from God. Therefore, God would defend it. When you become a Christian, Satan often attacks you in some area to cause you to doubt because your faith threatens his influence in your life. If God has called you to minister somewhere, the Devil will attack that area in some way to try to convince you God isn’t in it. If you lose heart and give up hope, you may be persuaded to leave your post. He will try whatever means he can to gain influence in your life again. This is where you must take refuge in God.
When you are threatened with bad things, take refuge in God. He is the Giver of all good things, and He will withhold nothing good from you. He will use all the bad things that happen in your life for your good and His glory. Turn it all over to Him, and trust Him to bring more good things to your life. Satan will try to make you think God is mad at you and that He is punishing you. God has already punished Jesus for your sin. That was the reason for the cross. Turn everything – your sin, your worry, your guilt, your fears – over to God, who is your Protector from the enemy. Satan’s battlefield is your mind because you will act according to what you believe. David reminded himself that he had no good besides God. Remind yourself of that today, and allow God to protect you from all that threatens you. You exist to worship Him and to bring Him glory. God will not destroy you; He will reveal His glory in you!
Have a blessed day!