Who Are You?
Acts 19:15
The evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize – but who are you?”
God drove away demons and performed great healing miracles through Paul at Ephesus. Even the face cloths and work aprons Paul touched carried power to heal and drive away demons. When the Jewish exorcists saw this, they attempted to try to drive away demons in the name of the Jesus whom Paul preached. These exorcists desired the power Paul possessed, but they did not have a relationship with the One who gave the power. They could not just claim the power like a magic potion and drive the demons away. The demons knew who Jesus was, and they knew Paul had authority to call on His name, but they did not recognize the Jewish exorcists. They, in turn, overpowered the exorcists and drove them away.
God will not grant His power by illegitimate means! If you want to have power and influence, you must have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. If you deny and reject the Son, you have no power with the Father. If you persecute and try to destroy those who are called by His name, you will have no godly power. Jesus gave us authority to make disciples, to heal the sick, and to overcome evil in this world. To have this authority, you must submit to His lordship. You cannot claim it by mere association. Who you are in relationship with Jesus Christ matters, and even the demons recognize who has power and who doesn’t.
As Christians, we are connected to real power. We have access to the very throne room of heaven. We need to call upon the Father daily, asking for healing for each other and for the destruction of evil forces that surround us. We just need to remember that we are powerless without Him, but in Him we have great power! He is with us today and has promised to never forsake us. Take advantage of your relationship with Him today, and pray. You are much more powerful than you think!
Have a blessed day!