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No Darkness in God

1 John 1:5

Now this is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in Him.

When someone has a dark side or a dark streak to them, we find it hard to trust. While things may appear well on the outside, we may not trust the motive of someone who has previously hurt us or others. This verse teaches us that there is absolutely no darkness in God, and we should be able to trust Him completely. If there is no darkness in God, our inability to trust at times must only reveal a dark side in us.

If we think there is a dark side to God or that His motives are impure in any way, we have incorrect theology. We do not serve a God who is out to get us or seek revenge in some way. While He does reserve vengeance for Himself, everything He does is just and good. He seeks vengeance only upon His enemies, who seek to harm His children. We must believe in the goodness of God – His love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness – if we will ever be able to trust Him. Otherwise, we will live a life always watching our backs and looking for the next shoe to fall as we try to move forward. If you have sinned against Him and need forgiveness, He has provided a sacrifice that is ever cleansing to our need, and all we need to do is repent and turn to Him.

Once we are in Christ, we have fellowship with God. In Christ, we are able to walk in the light. If we continue to walk in darkness, there is still some place where we have not fully trusted God’s love for us. Insistence on doing things your way proves you do not trust what the Father has for you. Know for certain that whatever He has for you is good, and there is no darkness in it. You will not be disappointed. Dare to trust Him completely, and begin to walk in the light in any area of your life that may be dark. As you submit your own darkness to Him, you will find His light will lead you to the solution you need. Let His light dispel your darkness, and you will find your path illuminated by His love for you. There is no better path to walk!

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.