With Power
Psalm 77:15
With power You redeemed Your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
We must never forget that God moves in power. Just because we see chaos in the world right now and our own little worlds may be stressful and frustrating, that does not mean God doesn’t have the power to change things. He is God. While all you may see in the natural is the power of the enemy, God has greater power, and He will not remain silent.
While God richly blessed Jacob and Joseph, we must remember that their own lives were filled with suffering and injustice. God’s power helped them overcome. They both had to endure difficult and deceiving times before God exalted them. They both suffered at the hands of their own family members, but God’s power worked those very things into the fabric of His destiny for them. He still used the bad things to lead them to the good things He planned for them.
God still redeems with power. He will use all the bad things we see now to lead us into our destiny. Hold on tightly to what you know to be true. With great power, God will move again and redeem His people.
Have a blessed day!