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No Favor for the Wicked

Isaiah 26:10

But if the wicked is shown favor, he does not learn righteousness. In a righteous land he acts unjustly and does not see the majesty of the LORD.

God’s judgments display righteousness. They clearly show what is right and what is wrong. While God is loving and forgiving, He is also just. Everything He does in our lives is designed to draw us closer to Him and away from the sin that so easily ensnares us.

The wicked do not see a need for mercy because they have justified their wicked acts in their own eyes. They cannot see the majesty or holiness of God, and, therefore, do not see the darkness of their own sin. If God were to show them favor, their evil acts would be viewed as righteous. God will turn them over to the control of the Devil and will allow them to become ensnared in their own sin. Only when one sees the darkness of his own sin in comparison to the holiness of God can he be convicted of evil and desire to turn from his ways. Such a persuasion is the job of the Holy Spirit.

We see evil practices and beliefs flourishing every day. Standing for what we believe to be right as a Christian based upon biblical standards brings persecution. We must remember, however, that we are not the judge. We can only preach or teach what the word says, pray, and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit. While we may desperately want God to move in righteous judgment, we must surrender the evil we see to Him. He is still in control, even if it looks like the world seems to be in total evil chaos at the moment. Never underestimate the power of prayer and the influence of the Holy Spirit to change what we cannot.

If you see evil flourishing today, pray. If you have a loved one who is ensnared by sin, speak the word and pray. God is not showing favor to the wicked; they are headed on a path of destruction. Pray for God to display His righteousness and for the eyes of the wicked to be opened to His holiness. Sometimes all you can do is pray, but God does nothing except in answer to prayer. Prayer is, therefore, the most powerful weapon we have against evil. Use it regularly, steadily, and mightily!

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.