Our Reward and Recompense
Isaiah 62:11
Look, the LORD has proclaimed to the end of the earth, “Say to Daughter Zion: Look, your salvation is coming. His reward is with Him, and His recompense is before Him.”
God proclaimed to the whole world the coming of the Messiah, who would bring salvation. This verse was a word of encouragement for Israel to look forward to her coming Savior. For us, that Savior has already come in the Person of Jesus Christ. Salvation is not something to which we must look forward; salvation is something we can experience now.
Many of us are guilty of coming to Christ because of what He can do for us. We seek Him or serve Him with expectation of what He will do. In reality, however, His reward is Himself. When we are in His presence, enjoying His company and relying on His provision, we have everything we could ever need or want. He is the reward, Himself.
Recompense is a payment to satisfy a debt. He has already paid the price for our sins; we now may live in the fullness of His presence. We can turn to Him at any time, knowing that He has satisfied our debt, and He will forgive whatever has stood in the way of full relationship with Him. His recompense is before Him, and He does not remove it.
Rejoice today in knowing that salvation has already come for you in the Person of Jesus Christ. His reward is with Him, and having Him is greater than anything He can do for you. His sacrifice is still before Him as payment for any failure, mistake, or act of rebellion you may have experienced. Rest in His presence, and find your reward!
Have a blessed day!