Our Strength
Psalm 28:7-8
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart rejoices, and I praise Him with my song. The LORD is the strength of His people; He is a stronghold of salvation for His anointed.
I am guilty of trying to do things for myself. As an only parent and head of my household now, I am accustomed to doing things myself. My mother instilled a strong sense of independence in me, and I often just don’t think to ask for help. While my independence has been an asset in many regards, it has also been my downfall. There are certain things that only God can do in my life, and I must trust Him. If I’m ever going to see certain dreams realized and accomplish certain goals, I must rely upon Him to work through me. I cannot just make them happen.
In all my independence, the truth is that I’m weak in some areas – many areas, in fact. God did not equip me to do everything there is to do. He gave me certain abilities with which He intends for me to serve Him, and He did not bless me with other things. Where I have a weakness, He is able to show Himself strong. He is able to receive glory in my weakness by doing things that I cannot do for myself. He may bring someone else with the needed strength to help me, or He may choose to work a miracle of His power. In any regard, He created me with certain strengths and weaknesses so that I may worship Him and bring glory to His name. He created you the same way.
We must never forget that God is our strength and our shield. Whether we need help in a particular area or need defending, He is fully aware of our weakness and is willing and able to help. Turn to Him, and trust Him. Wherever you feel weak, learn to praise God. Turn your worry and frustration into a song of praise, and watch how your situations begin to change. God dwells in the praises of His people, and you will find strength rising from your weaknesses if you will rejoice, rather than react. Everyone can learn to praise. Whenever you find yourself worrying or complaining, begin to state or sing praises to God for His provision. Lean upon His strength wherever you are weak. His anointed is Jesus, and you are in Him if you are a Christian. God is a stronghold of salvation for His anointed, and He will be strong for you.
Have a blessed day!