Keep Calm and Carry On
Isaiah 54:17
“No weapon formed against you will succeed, and you will refute any accusation raised against you in court. This is the heritage of the LORD’s servants, and their righteousness is from Me.” This is the LORD’s declaration.
God knows the desires and intents of our hearts, and He cares for those who are His. He is the ultimate authority, and nothing is hidden from His sight. While we don’t have all the answers to our situations, He knows the beginning from the end. Nothing that comes against us to try to destroy the work He has put in us will prosper. He will use the very weapon formed against us to destroy the works of the Devil and to protect what He has established.
God is at work in us through His Holy Spirit to transform us into the image of Christ. He will train any work of our flesh to adhere to His precepts. The Devil is always watching for us to slip somewhere, and he then tries to accuse us before God. He will entice us through temptation and accuse us if we succumb. That is just how he operates. Our righteousness, however, is not found in ourselves; it is from Christ. Anything we do that may cause us to slip or fall is covered by the blood of Christ. God enables us to get back up and carry on. This is our heritage – our inheritance – in Christ.
Don’t let guilt or condemnation hold you hostage. Your righteousness is in Christ, and God will not allow any weapon formed against you to prosper. The work of the Holy Spirit in us is not to condemn us but to transform us from the old nature to the new. This is God’s declaration over you, and He will work to perform it. Keep calm, and carry on. God is on your side!
Have a blessed day!