It is Finished!
John 19:30
When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” then bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.
“It is finished!” are the most beautiful and profound words possibly ever spoken by our Savior. Everything prophesied about Him had been fulfilled, and everything needed for our sacrifice was now complete. He had served His purpose, and the only thing left was for God to accept His sacrifice. Jesus did all He could do for us on the cross, then He gave up His spirit to death. His is the greatest example of faith we have to follow.
When Jesus died, He submitted Himself to the Father. Whatever happened next was in the Father’s hands. Jesus did all He could do for us and turned Himself over to God the Father in death. God would take it from there.
There are times when we must do all we can do and trust the end result to God. We cannot perform the actual miracle or dictate the end result. We must submit it to God and allow Him to reveal His glory in the matter. Jesus died, paying the full penalty for our sins. We can accept His sacrifice or reject it, but we cannot offer a better sacrifice. The end result of our lives and the promise of our eternal future are in God’s hands. He has the last word. We can choose to reject Christ or accept what He did for us. God blessed what Christ did, but He will not bless an imperfect sacrifice, which is all we have to offer.
Where are you struggling today? Declare by faith that “It is finished!” Jesus has already paid the price for your sins and assured your victory. Submit the matter to God, and allow Him to reveal His glory in it. Where are you hurting? “It is finished!” Accept the place where you are, and submit your spirit to God. He will either lead you out or give you the grace to overcome where you are. In order for God to move in a situation, you must die to yourself. He didn’t bring you here to leave you hanging. He brought you to this place so Christ can be glorified in you and through you. Receive and believe in His sacrifice for you; it is finished, and it is enough.
Have a blessed day!