Your Time of Visitation
Luke 19:43-44
For the days will come on you when your enemies will build an embankment against you, surround you, and hem you in on every side. They will crush you and your children within you to the ground, and they will not leave one stone on another in you, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.
This is the proclamation Jesus made over Jerusalem as He wept for the city immediately after His triumphal entry. They did not recognize the fact that their Messiah had come, so they were doomed to defeat by the enemy. Salvation was in their midst, but they rejected it. Everlasting peace was theirs for the taking, but pride and jealousy prevented them from entering God’s rest. They did not recognize the time of their visitation.
How tragic it is not to recognize your time of visitation. Today, we have an open invitation to dine with Christ at any time. We can sit at His feet and simply learn from Him. We can commune with Him and have close fellowship with Him. We can find victory over every enemy by following Him in obedience. Sadly, many are just too busy to accept the invitation to come and dine. One day, the enemy will build an embankment and surround you on every side. When we don’t let Jesus into our busy lives, the enemy will find an open door into our lives, move in, and build a stronghold to defeat us. We must learn to recognize our time of visitation and take time to enjoy God’s presence.
Have you ever been in a place where you could not find God? Maybe, He didn’t seem to be working in your life at all. Perhaps, the enemy seemed to have control of your life or your family. Think back to the time preceding the battle. Did you take time to fellowship with Christ on a regular basis? Did you sit at His feet and just learn from Him? Many apparent victories of the enemy occur because we did not recognize our time of visitation, and we dismissed Christ for other things.
Don’t miss your time of visitation today. We still have the opportunity to sit at His feet and learn from Him. We can still commune with Him and meditate on His word. Spend time with Christ today. It will be your strong defense tomorrow!
Have a blessed day!