Grace for a Miracle
1 Kings 17:20-22
The he (Elijah) cried out to the LORD and said, “My LORD God, have You also brought tragedy on the widow I am staying with by killing her son?” Then he stretched himself out over the boy three times. He cried out to the LORD and said, “My LORD God, please let this boy’s life return to him!” So the LORD listened to Elijah’s voice, and the boy’s life returned to him, and he lived.
God had instructed Elijah to go to a widow in Zarephath during his run from Jezebel for killing the prophets of Baal. Although the woman was planning to prepare her last meal for her son and herself when Elijah found her, God blessed her supply while Elijah was there so it would not run dry until God sent rain on the land again. At some point during Elijah’s stay with them, the boy became ill and died. His mother feared Elijah’s presence in her home was to remind her of her sins and that God was punishing her by taking her son. While a prophet’s presence in her home certainly brought blessing, it could also mean judgment from God.
Elijah took the boy, laid him on his own bed, and prayed over him. He asked God if He was responsible for the tragedy and asked God to let the boy live. God heard Elijah’s prayer and returned life to the boy. Although this widow realized sin in her life, God was merciful to her. She learned firsthand of the grace of an Almighty God toward her, and she was not an Israelite.
When we experience tragedy, we often feel as if we are being punished or judged by God. This is not the case. Our sin has already been judged on the cross. God saw the widow’s hardship and had compassion on her. He sent His prophet into her life to bless her and not to judge her. The enemy, however, felt differently. If he could make her think God was judging her, she might turn from Him in fear or anger. God did not allow this tragedy to be permanent. He merely used the devil’s intent to draw her even closer to Him as He revealed Himself as provider, protector, and deliverer to her. If Elijah’s God could deliver her son from death, why in this world would she turn from Him or reject Him?
The widow in Zarephath experienced a God who forgave sin and worked miracles in her life. This God showed great compassion toward her and showed her that her life was valuable to Him. In caring for His prophet, God used the widow’s service and blessed her. Regardless of your sin or your need, you are valuable to God. His plans for you are for good and not to harm you. He desires to draw you out of sin and into relationship with Him. Ask God for a miracle, and expect it. Just as He heard Elijah’s voice, He will hear yours. Your sin does not disqualify you from receiving a miracle; God’s grace qualifies you.
Have a blessed day!