Choose Peace
John 16:33
I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.
I am learning more every day to live by the motto, “Nothing is so big that God can’t handle.” There are certainly many things that are too great for me to handle, but He is capable of opening doors, overcoming obstacles, moving mountains, and even changing hearts. I’m learning to leave these things to God and to expect the best from Him. I may not always get my way, but He knows far better than I do. If He sends me a resounding, “No,” He has a better, “Yes,” waiting.
Suffering is as much a promise in this world as is God’s blessing because it comes with human nature. We will definitely suffer if we rely upon or act out of human flesh. Turning a matter completely over to God, however, will grant us peace. When we surrender to His authority, He becomes responsible for the outcome. Sometimes, our greatest acts of courage are in this kind of surrender.
If Jesus can conquer the world by conquering death, the grave, and even hell, He can absolutely conquer our little disputes, disappointments, or setbacks. In fact, everything we face seems minor compared to the things He has already conquered for us! Choose Jesus today, and choose peace. He is fighting for you!
Have a blessed day!