Acceptable to God
Acceptable to God
Acts 10:34-35
Then Peter began to speak: “In truth, I understand that God doesn’t show favoritism, but in every nation the person who fears Him and does righteousness is acceptable to Him.”
God did not send Jesus for the sake of the Jews alone, although Peter had a hard time understanding this. God had to show Peter in a dream that he could not call anything unclean that He had made clean. He makes us clean in one way – through the blood of Jesus Christ. Every person who surrenders to the blood of Jesus Christ is considered righteous, and we have no right to consider such a person to be unclean.
Peter’s words were addressed here to Cornelius, a Roman Centurion who desired to follow Christ. Peter would have disqualified him except for the fact that God had already instructed him in the dream. Cornelius did not have a full understanding of the gospel. He merely had the desire to submit to it. Therefore, God sent Peter to witness to him. God had already considered Cornelius to be righteous based upon his desire to submit and learn more.
God does not accept you based upon your understanding of His word. His acceptance is based upon your desire to follow Him. He will bring you the understanding you need. The qualifier is never how much you know – it is how much you are willing to proceed once you learn.
What do you need to understand today? God will provide the wisdom you need. Are you willing to obey when He reveals the truth to you? Cornelius’s willingness alone made him accetable, not his works. Submit your heart in full worship today, and watch to see what He shows you. He may bring you the full truth of a problem, or He may send you to witness to someone whom you’ve disqualified but He has already made clean by a willingness to follow Him. Either way, God’s kingdom will benefit.
Have a blessed day!