No Rest for the Watchmen
Isaiah 62:6
Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen on your walls; they will never be silent, day or night. You, who remind the LORD, no rest for you!
The watchmen were men stationed in towers around the city to watch for danger and alert the city of incoming danger. The Old Testament often refers to prophets as watchmen. They had the ability to see what was happening in the spirit and were called to intercession and to proclaim God’s word to the people.
When interceding on behalf of God’s people, the prophets would often remind God that the people of Israel were His people and cry out on their behalf. We see this in both Abraham and Moses. Abraham interceded for Lot, and Moses interceded for the Israelites who came out of captivity in the wilderness. God had appointed watchmen – prophets – to intercede for Israel and to remind Him she was His nation. These men would have no rest because of the impending judgment against Israel.
Today, Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. He is our watchman who reminds the LORD that we are His. God, however, still gives the gift of prophecy through the Holy Spirit. These people can often see things that are happening in the spirit realm and are called to pray and proclaim God’s word. If you find yourself seeing things that don’t seem right, pray. These are usually things that you can’t change anyway, so take the matter directly to the Father. If you see things happening in our country right now that bother you, dare to stand in the gap and intercede for God’s intervention. While it may seem like a small thing to do, spiritual warfare is fought through prayer. Remind God that we were founded on biblical principles, and we are His nation, even if unbelievers deny it. Just as there was no rest for the watchmen of Israel, there is no rest for those of us today who see the evil at work. Pray without ceasing.
Have a blessed day!