Entering God’s Kingdom
Luke 16:16
The Law and the Prophets were until John; since then, the good news of the kingdom of God has been proclaimed, and everyone is strongly urged to enter it.
The Law and the Prophets proclaimed a right standing with God by adhering to rules and regulations. The Law clearly described what God sees as holy, and the Prophets warned people and nations to turn to God by regarding the Law, which required sacrifices for the atoning of sin.
John the Baptist preached repentance from sin. We are to turn from our sin to a God who loves us and who longs for a right standing with us through His Son. Jesus became the only sacrifice needed for our sin, and through Him we have a relationship with the Father in which we are His adopted sons and daughters. This gospel is one of forgiveness of sin by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
Everyone is strongly urged to enter the kingdom of God through repentance because it is the only way to enter. You will never be “good” enough to enter. Your works, actions, or good deeds will never be enough to atone for your sin. You cannot gain credit through your actions or your service. You must repent and turn to Christ. We often see this as a salvation message, but it applies to everything in our lives. If we have sin in our lives, the only way to overcome and live free from its bondage is to repent and surrender it to Christ. When we do, that area of our lives becomes redeemed, and we will begin to walk in the blessing of God’s kingdom.
As Christians, we may still have areas of our lives where sin has a stronghold. You can be a Christian and still have addictions, debt, troubled relationships, and other areas of instability. The only way to gain victory in those areas is to repent and surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Don’t try to hold on to sins that are preventing you from living the abundant life Christ came to offer. God wants you to be whole, and the only way to gain complete victory in your life is to become wholly His. Repent, surrender, and enter into the abundance of grace the kingdom of God provides you. There is no greater news than this!
Have a blessed day!