A Matter of Priority
Mark 13:30
Note this: some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.
What do you make a priority? We must come to understand and appreciate the things God makes priority and realize that our priorities are not always His. What comes first in His kingdom may not be at the top of our list, and what is important in the world today may come last in His kingdom. The best way we can prepare ourselves for God’s kingdom is to put His priorities first in this kingdom.
God has made Jesus the first and foremost priority. If we always put Him first in our thoughts and actions, we have learned the order of God’s kingdom. Before we can even enter His kingdom, we must first have a relationship with Christ. Other blessings flow from our obedience and loyalty to that relationship. If we have placed Him first, everything else will fall into proper place. If we try to take care of other things first, we will find things falling apart.
We find true security by putting Christ first in our lives. Regardless of how much of a fortress we build around ourselves, every earthly thing is subject to earthly corruption, decay, and calamity.
One tornado could blow it all away! Christ, however, is eternal. His love and purpose for us will not change just because earthly misfortune occurs. I’m reminded of the words to an old hymn, “On Christ the solid rock I stand; all other ground is sinking sand.”
Put Christ first today and every day. Find your identity and purpose in Him. He is the only sure thing onto which we can hold in this world. Learn to put Him first now, and invest in the kingdom to come.
Have a blessed day!