God’s Perfect Gift
Matthew 5:45b
For He causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous.
Any true blessing we have comes from God. As James 1:17 explains, “Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.” God chooses to bless both the evil and the good so that they may know He is a good God. In fact, goodness is His nature, and we can expect His plans for us to be good. We will all face good times in this life because of the Father, and we should thank Him for every one of them.
Our bad days, too, are in His hands. We live in a fallen world, and bad things will happen. We just can’t escape some things, regardless of how clever our strategies may be or how hard we may work. If I have to face bad days, I want to know that the God who loved me so much He gave His One and Only Son to die for me so that I might have a relationship with Him is right there with me, helping me to overcome those bad days so that I might see good ones again. I want to know that the God who created me and knows every fiber of my being has a beautiful plan and purpose for my life. I want to know that the God who has the power to forgive sins and raise Jesus from the dead has the power to resurrect my dead situations and breathe new life into me so that I might enjoy good days again. I can know these things because of Christ.
1 John 5:4
…because whatever has been born of God conquers the world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith.
There you have it – plain and simple. What will help you conquer the world and overcome every bad thing the Devil throws at you is your faith. Faith is not some vague wish that things will get better. Faith must be grounded in something firm and solid in order to have effect. Our faith is in a Person – Jesus Christ – and the finished work of the cross. His sacrifice for us was complete, and God accepted it. He raised Jesus from the dead as a sign of His forgiveness, and we can trust in that perfect sacrifice to work all things together for our good because God has called us according to His purpose in Christ (Romans 8:28). You can experience good things through your bad days because of Jesus Christ. That, my friend, is a perfect gift and reason to praise Him today!
Have a blessed day!