Abundance at the End of the Struggle
Psalm 66:12
You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but You brought us out to abundance.
We’ve often heard the saying, “God will not give you more than you can handle,” and we think it is Scriptural. In fact, you won’t find that saying anywhere in the Bible. This saying is a paraphrase from 1 Corinthians 10:13, where Paul instructs us that God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. This verse has nothing to do with pain, hardship, difficulty, or trials. The truth is that God may very well give you more than you can handle because then you must depend upon Him. If you could handle it all on your own, you wouldn’t need Him, and He may give you much more than you can handle just so you can realize your dependence upon His grace.
God may allow pain, difficulty, testing, hardship, or suffering times into our lives, but He always has a provision and a purpose behind it. If He doesn’t spare us from it, He will certainly take us through it. Any time we find ourselves facing such difficult times, we can know for certain that God will bring us out of it in abundance! If it is patience we need that sends us into a difficult time, we will come out of it with an abundance of patience. If our faith is weak, our struggle will produce an abundance of faith in us. Whatever our need may be in going through the suffering, we can expect our experience to produce an abundance for us.
If you are encountering difficult times right now, know that God is taking you to a better place. While tears may flow freely right now, God is with you and will not allow you to come through this empty handed. There is a prize at the end of every battle that makes the struggle worth the effort. Unless you endure it and depend upon God to see you through, you will miss that prize. If you have to endure the struggle, you might as well gain everything you can from it and continue to press through to the end. Victory and abundance are waiting for you as you learn to depend upon God and His grace.
Have a blessed day!