A Spacious Place
Psalm 118:8-9
I called to the LORD in distress; the LORD answered me and put me in a spacious place. The LORD is for me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? With the LORD for me as my helper, I will look in triumph on those who hate me.
When we call to the LORD in distress, He often moves us to a spacious place. We all need room to grow and experience His unfailing love for us. If we are stunted by our limitations or a confined environment, God may open doors or relocate us to accommodate growth. If the people with whom we associate are causing us to regress spiritually, He may choose a new set of friends for us. If we have gained all we can from a current position, He may choose to move us. Sometimes, a change of scenery is necessary.
You need not fear if God has decided to move you. If He is for you, no one can stand against you. Others may not approve, but if God is doing the moving, you can’t stop it. He will cause you to triumph in those circumstances.
Do you need an open, spacious place to grow? Maybe you don’t need to physically move from your home, but you need something new to tackle as a project. Perhaps, you need to expand your education in some area. If you feel isolated and alone, you might need to develop a new set of friends. Be open to new opportunities and environments where God may be leading you. You need not fear the unknown if God is for you. He is your helper, and He will cause you to triumph!
Have a blessed day!