News Too Good To Be True
Luke 1:16-17
He will turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God. And he will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the disobedient to the understanding of the righteous, to make ready for the Lord a prepared people.
These words were spoken to Zechariah the priest by the angel when he went before the LORD to intercede for the sins of God’s people. God was finally ready to fulfill the deep desire for a son that Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, were unable to conceive on their own. Zechariah’s son would serve a great purpose in God’s kingdom. He would be anointed to draw people back to God and to make a difference in his world. God would use him to change people’s lives and to blaze the trail for the Messiah. I can understand how Zechariah had trouble believing. This news was overwhelming and almost too good to be true. I’m afraid I might have questioned it, too.
While the angel explained how Zechariah’s son would serve a great purpose in God’s kingdom, his barrenness seemed to speak louder than his God at first. After all this time, how could his be? Zechariah seemed to have lost hope of ever having his deepest desire fulfilled. When God speaks, we cannot allow our void to be greater than His voice.
Sometimes, God gives us news that just seems too good to be true. In actuality, we would have been happy to settle for much less to fill our void, but God had greater plans. In those times, our human nature might be to look for the bad so the good doesn’t seem so great. We might even be afraid to get our hopes up so high in fear it is a hoax. While some things can be too good to be true, there are times when God chooses to move in our lives to complete a greater purpose, and we just have to let Him be God. We need faith not only to endure the bad things of life but to embrace the good things God has planned for us. When He is moving, you will know it because you can’t stop it or deny it. He just does it!
Believe God today without second guessing Him. The enemy will always attack before God does something great, and the bad times just serve to confirm that God has something good planned all along. A season of barrenness will prime you to produce fruit beyond imagination. We really are in His hands, and that is an awesome place to be!
Have a blessed day!