A Perfect Gift
James 1:17
Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights; with Him there is no variation or shadow casting by turning.
Every good gift we receive if from God. If it is truly good, desirable, and beneficial for us, God is the sender. Rest assured that the Devil wants nothing good for us at all! He will only tempt us into trying to take a good gift by an illegitimate means, as he did when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. If the gift is for you, God will give it to you. You won’t have to steal it!
The Message Bible explains that there is nothing deceitful in God. He is not two-faced or fickle in His favor toward us. He is constantly loving and faithful. Satan will try to steal our blessings by attacking us and trying to convince us God is mad at us or withholding a blessing for some reason. He will try to make us believe we have blown it too badly for God to bless us and tell us we should just give up the fight. We must endure these trials and ignore such negative thoughts. If God has promised it, He will deliver. Stand strong in your faith, and watch Him come through for you!
We know that every good and perfect gift comes from God because He sent His own Son for us. If He would give us His very best and offer Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins, would He not give us good gifts we desire that are not as costly? He has already given us His very best. He will surely continue to give us what is good, desirable, and perfect as long as we belong to Him.
Have a blessed day!