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Receive a Full Reward

2 John 8

Watch yourselves so that you don’t lose what we have worked for, but you may receive a full reward.

Have you ever put a lot of work into something only to be disappointed in your return? I have had some investments that failed miserably! I learned to move my resources out of those things that were failing and place them in more promising and productive investments.  Sometimes, however, we just need to be patient and stay the course in order to see a good return.

In order to determine whether to bail or stay the course, you have to consider the potential of success. If there is little likelihood the investment will recover, or if the company’s goal or business plan is unrealistic, you might do better to move your money to accounts that have more potential. If, however, the potential and plan are there but the reward just isn’t coming fast enough, you might want to cool down, continue to invest, and wait. Staying the course could be very profitable in the long run.

God’s word never fails. He cannot lie. He is always good, and His mercies are everlasting. He loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son to die for us just so we could have relationship with Him. If there was ever an investment that guarantees a great return, it is investing our lives in Christ! We may all go through seasons when it seems like our prayers go unanswered, or a need just doesn’t seem to be met. To give up on God and to turn to another source to meet that need can be disastrous! It will certainly be disappointing when God’s hand of favor and grace move to reveal His glory, and you have deserted Him to follow another path! 

John warned against this very thing. Watch yourselves so that you do not fall for any ridiculous idea that God doesn’t really love you and doesn’t really care about meeting that need that is important to you. Reject every notion that all of your faith has been in vain, and there is no reward for you. The devil would like nothing more than for you to give up hope that God will bless you and to turn and follow Him. He strives to drag you away from God’s promises and leave you feeling bitter, hopeless, and disappointed. If he can do this, you are no longer a threat to him. You are his follower. 

Don’t lose what you have worked for in the faith. Stay the course and receive your full reward. In Christ, the returns may not come quickly, but they are sure. These are the rewards that make life worth living.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.