How Great is Our God
2 Chronicles 6:18
But will God indeed live on earth with man? Even heaven, the highest heaven, cannot contain You, much less this temple I have built.
Solomon prayed this in his prayer of dedication for the temple he built for God. While this temple is still considered to be the most splendorous of all temples on earth, Solomon knew that it could not contain the entire glory of God. Our minds simply just cannot imagine the greatness of our God.
Perhaps, Solomon knew that his temple was made of earthy things that could ruin, as his temple eventually did when Babylon invaded it. God’s glory and majesty are eternal, and no earthly temple can properly display His greatness. According to Solomon’s wisdom, not even heaven can contain our God. Why on earth would we want to settle for worshiping another god? The God of all creation loves us, sent His only Son to die for us so we might have relationship with Him, and wants the very best for us. If we belong to Him, He is currently working all things together for our good. If He is as great as Solomon describes Him to be, why do we not expect more of Him?
How great is your God today? Have faith to believe He is greater than any negative situation you face. If the highest heaven cannot contain Him, your little situation certainly can’t restrict Him!
Concentrate on His greatness, even though your mind cannot fully comprehend it. Worship Him today for the glory and the majesty to which only He ascribes. You belong to Him, and He loves you more than you can possibly imagine. Begin to see your problems dissipate as you behold His greatness!
Have a blessed day!