He Will Support You
Psalm 55:22
Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will support you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
These are certainly shaky times. We live in a world filled with violence, hatred toward Christianity, economic woes, and uncertainty. Indeed, whatever can be shaken will, according to Hebrews 12:27. It is not God’s intention, however, to cause anxiety in His people. On the contrary, He provides us with peace. For this reason we are to cast every burden upon Him, knowing that He will support us. If we are in Christ, we have His righteousness. God will never allow those with the righteousness of Christ to be shaken loose from their firm foundation in Christ.
That does not mean that we will not encounter shaky times. God will shake out everything in us that is not of Him so that only the righteousness of Christ remains. By casting every burden on Him, we take the matter out of our own hands and put the result in God’s. We take away the temptation to ease discomfort through sin.
If you feel the world around you shaking today, cast your burden upon the LORD. He is the only real support we have in these times. The good thing is that He promises to support us through the shaking! He is not trying to destroy you or punish you. Anything He allows into your life is for the purpose of drawing you closer to Him. Cast your care upon Him, and find rest in His arms. You really can’t control what happens, anyway. Why not trust the One who has the whole world in His hands and can speak to any wind or wave in your life to calm the storm?
Have a blessed day!