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Befriending the Devil

Galatians 5:1:

Christ has liberated us into freedom. Therefore stand firm and don’t submit again to the yoke of slavery.

Christ has broken the bondage the enemy as over us. That means we have the power to say, “No!” to the devil, and he will flee. The only way he can have power over us is if we voluntarily submit to him. We do that when we befriend him.

The devil is a master manipulator and deceiver. He will make sin attractive to us and convince us that the rewards are worth it, which is exactly what he did to Eve in the garden. When we buy into his lie and act upon it, we are caught in his trap and fall into slavery to commit that sin again. The devil doesn’t force anything on us. He just makes sin so appealing that we have a hard time rejecting him. He appeals to the weaknesses and voids in our lives and makes promises to fulfill them immediately. His appeals require no faith, no waiting, and no discipline. It is no wonder we make the mistake of befriending him at times.

In my women’s Bible study classes, I’ve talked about how God will confirm a word to us through repetition. Satan, however, will appeal to our weaknesses. I’ve jokingly explained that when I shop and find a necklace I like and look around to find the matching earrings, I often think God is speaking twice. That must be confirmation! If I find the bracelet to match, He must be saying, “Buy it now!”  When I enter a jewelry store I really like, it often feels to me like the Holy Spirit is all over that place! In reality, not every voice we hear is the voice of God. We must learn to distinguish God’s voice from the voice of temptation. Satan will always appeal to our emotions and provide a temporary fix that will leave us longing for more. God will never contradict His word and will give us a provision that permanently satisfies. 

What voice is speaking to you today? Is there a temptation lurking that promises temporary satisfaction? Christ has liberated you into freedom. Stand firm and don’t submit again to the yoke of slavery. Reject the devil, and he will flee from you. If we are ever going to live victorious lives, we must learn to distinguish temptation from God’s voice and be willing to hate evil enough to eradicate it from our lives. Don’t make friends with the devil. Run, Child!  Be free!

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.