Believe for a Victory
Judges 5:8-9
Israel chose new gods, then war was in the gates. Not a shield or spear was seen among 40,000 in Israel. My heart is with the leaders of Israel, with the volunteers of the people. Praise the LORD!
Israel turned from God and chose new gods to follow. This brought war on the nation, and no one was able to defend Israel. God had always fought for Israel and given her victory. Now that she had turned from Him, who would defend her? The result was 20 years of oppression. We allow oppression into our lives when we turn from God to follow other things, as well.
Israel did not even try to defend herself. She just seemed to let the enemy come right in and take whatever he wanted. When we lose hope, courage, and the willingness to fight, it is sure surrender to the enemy. Israel was defeated in their hearts and minds before they were ever defeated physically. Our own negative thinking will defeat us from within, as well.
God’s heart is with the leaders of Israel and with the volunteers of the people. He is with those who are willing to fight against the lies of the devil! If God’s heart is with you, there is no battle you cannot win! You just have to be willing to fight the oppressive and negative thoughts the devil uses to try to convince you there is no hope.
Before we ever see victory on the outside, we must believe victory is possible on the inside. We must see ourselves as victorious individuals and not defeated individuals. As a man thinks within himself, so he is (Prov. 23:7). If you are ever going to achieve your dreams, overcome an obstacle, see victory, or overcome your enemy in any area, you must first believe you can by the grace of God, whose heart is with you. There is no problem too great for him. You may not be able to win in your own strength, but you certainly can with Him! Turn to Him and rely upon His strength in your situation today. Dare to believe Him for a victory. His grace is sufficient for whatever need you may have. Don’t give up. Give it to God, and believe Him for victory.
Have a blessed day!