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The Stretch

Mark 5:-29

A woman suffering from bleeding for 12 years had endured much under many doctors. She had spent everything she had and was not helped at all. On the contrary, she became worse. Having heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His robe. For she said, “If I can just touch His robes, I’ll be made well!” Instantly her flow of blood ceased, and she sensed in her body that she was cured of her affliction.

When all of our efforts fail to achieve our goals or meet our needs, we often lose hope and become discouraged. Hope deferred can certainly cause depression, where we are tempted to stop trying altogether. Having spent everything she had and becoming worse, this woman certainly had reason to give up hope and sink into depression. But she heard about Jesus.

Faith comes by hearing, according to Romans 10:17. She heard about the healing power of Jesus, and she knew He could heal her. She followed behind Him to somehow get close enough to touch His robe. Fighting through the crowd, she found a way to stretch forth her hand and touch the hem of His garment, and she received her healing.

I’m learning to stretch forth my hand when it seems all hope is gone. I need a power greater than my own, and I can find it only in Christ. When things don’t go as I had hoped, instead of losing hope, I stretch my faith to connect with Jesus. When fear and doubt assail me, I stretch to lean on His power and not my own. When I have no answers, I stretch and rely upon Him. My faith grows in the stretch, and His power is released.

If your plans for the future have failed, instead of losing hope, I encourage you to stretch today. If God still hasn’t answered your prayers, I encourage you to stretch. If fear, doubt, discouragement, and depression are surrounding you, stretch forth your faith and believe that Christ still has the power to meet your need. Your faith can command power from Him, but you may have to stretch to lay hold of it. Miracles are just within your reach if you have the courage to stretch.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.