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When God’s Glory Passes By

Exodus 33:21-23

The LORD said, “Here is a place near Me. You are to stand on the rock, and when My glory passes by, I will put you in the crevice of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. Then I will take My hand away, and you will see My back, but My face will not be seen.”

Moses had asked to see God’s glory. If he were to lead God’s people into the promised land, how would they be distinguished from all the other people of the land without God’s favor as evidence that He was with them? It is, indeed, God’s favor that distinguishes us as His and guides us to success in our journey. It is God’s favor that helps us overcome the obstacles and hardships of life. It is His favor upon our life that speaks to others, leaving them jealous of our privilege with God or longing to know more about Him.

We all long to see God’s glory fulfilled in our lives and to live in His favor. Just as Moses was leading God’s people to a promised land, God’s glory in our life begins with a promise   – a deep longing that only God can meet. As we travel through our own wilderness in route to that fulfilled promise, we can become impatient like Moses. Thankfully, God was not impatient and decided to use Moses’s request as an object lesson.

In asking to see God’s glory, Moses was wanting to know how God was going to fulfill His promise. Moses had been through one difficulty after another in trying to lead an obstinate and complaining people through the wilderness. God was telling him one thing, but he was witnessing another. “Let me see your glory” was another way of saying, “Let me see what You are doing.” God, however, wanted Moses to trust Him. He provided a place near Him where Moses could stand on a rock – a firm and established place. When His glory passed by, He would hide Moses in the crevice of the rock and cover it with His hand. The crevice would be a tight place, which may have been uncomfortable and provided very limited vision. While Moses was cramped in the tight place, God was doing His work behind the scenes. When He had finished, Moses would be able to see where God had been, but he would not be able to see the actual moving of God.

While waiting for our promises to be fulfilled, God may put us in a place near Him, where we can be firm and established in our relationship and in communication with Him. When He is ready to do a work in us or for us, He may put is in a tight place, where we have to trust that He is at work in our life, even though we cannot see what He is doing. When He has finished, He will show us where He has been at work all along. Just as God taught Moses to trust Him, so will He teach us to do the same.

If you are longing for a promise to be fulfilled, stay in a place near God, where you can establish a firm relationship with Him and learn to communicate with Him daily. Expect to find yourself in a tight place, where you can’t see God moving and have limited vision. Know that He is working behind the scenes, and when He is ready, you will see His glory pass by.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.