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Thorns and Thistles

Isaiah 10:17

Israel’s Light will become a fire, and its Holy One, a flame. In one day it will burn up Assyria’s thorns and thistles.

While God sent Israel into Assyrian captivity due to serious rebellion and disobedience, He also punished Assyria for their treatment of Israel. We may open the door for the Devil to come in and wreak havoc in our life, but God will use our imprisoned state to draw us back to Him and will destroy the Devil’s forces against us when He begins to restore us. In one day, God can burn up everything that has taken us captive and held us back from possessing the land God has given us.

God is Israel’s Light in this verse. When He becomes a fire, it is a symbol of God’s judgment. The fire of His judgement will burn away everything that has been a thorn or a thistle to us once the thorns and thistles have completed their work, which is to draw us back to Him. He will lovingly clear the way for us to walk forth in the purpose He has planned for us. The thorns and thistles merely redirect us back to Him.

Are you hurting from the pain of thorns and thistles in your life? Seek God alone, and turn them over to Him. In one day, His flame can burn away everything that is hindering in your life. Trust Him to do what only He can do, and praise Him. He will clear the way for you.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.