Your Teacher and Guide
Isaiah 30:20-21
The Lord will give you meager bread and water during oppression, but your Teacher will not hide Himself any longer. Your eyes will see your Teacher, and whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: “This is the way. Walk in it.”
God has not left us to fend for ourselves, although at times we may feel alone. He has given us the indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us. Our Teacher is always with us, and we are to call upon Him in times of trouble or uncertainty. When we do, we will hear His voice behind us, gently guiding us in the direction we should go.
The Holy Spirit will guide us out of oppression and into the light of God’s Word. In fact, He confirms His guidance to us through Scripture. When our inner voice lines up with Scripture and circumstances, we can be sure that the Holy Spirit is guiding our way. We cannot allow circumstances alone to direct us. God is bigger than our circumstances, and He can open doors that no one else can open, as well as shut doors that need to be shut.
You don’t have to figure life out on your own. Cry out to God, and trust His Holy Spirit to guide you. He goes before you to clear your path, and He fights for you. He has promised He will never leave you, and He keeps good on His promises.
Have a blessed day!